Marksmith - a GitHub-style markdown editor for Ruby on Rails
Marksmith is an ActiveStorage-enabled GitHub-style markdown editor for Ruby on Rails
Over 226 customers and 508 apps used Avo in the past 60 days. Read what our customers say about us
Using Avo is like bringing a new developer to your team that's building all the boring stuff in a beautiful way
Create a flexible CRUD interface in no time. No more copy-pasting view and controller files around.
Quickly query one or more resources at once.
Amazingly easy, single or multi-file integration with ActiveStorage.
Easily browse your data on mobile devices.
Run custom actions to one or more of your resources with as little as pressing a button 💪
Write your own custom filters to quickly segment your data.
Customize your dashboard with the tools and analytics you need.
Fully translated UI
Leverage Pundit policies to build a robust and scalable authorization system.
Configure your Rails dashboard entirely by writing Ruby code with minimal-to-no scaffolding.
No worries if we missed a field you need. Generate a custom field in a jiffy.
Scope out your data as much as you need it
Our customers love Avo
Avo just worked great. We were able to plug things together really easily, and it's given us the flexibility we needed to build out a really rich product
Avo has allowed the team to build internal tools incredibly quickly, which is especially important due to our limited resources
I just wanted to say I love working with Avo in RubyGems admin panel
We are migrating from ActiveAdmin to Avo and both in terms of Developer experience and User experience, it is a game changer!
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Avo v3.17.0 - Media Library, new Markdown field & the Array Adapter released 4 days ago.
Marksmith is an ActiveStorage-enabled GitHub-style markdown editor for Ruby on Rails
Let's learn how to add authentication to a Rails 8 app without using a gem like devise.
Marketing Specialist
Let's learn how to use the 'class_variants' gem to simplify your app's CSS by removing conditionals and cleaning up your views
Marketing Specialist