Patch release


Avo has been a dream to work with and we quickly took the leap to utilizing Avo Pro.

From easily implementing search, to great docs, to providing charts out of the box, to the beautiful API — Avo is everything I've been looking for in an administration toolkit.

Ricky Chilcott
Ricky Chilcott
Partner, Mission Met


🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: search broken for resources with one argument @adrianthedev (#56)
  • fix: select placeholder default field is broken @adrianthedev (#55)

💡 Refactor

  • refactor: menu items humanized @adrianthedev (#54)

💄 Style

  • refactor: minor cleanup @adrianthedev (#53)

Latest release

Avo v2.49.0 released 4 days ago.