Minor release

v2.17.0 - Resource sidebar, native field components, custom policies and more

I would never build a custom admin panel in the future.

We wasted too much money and could not focus on our main business.

Jonas Reif
Jonas Reif
Co-Founder, Upspeak.de
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey everyone,

This is such a big release with so many things to show you:

🎸 Features

  1. Resource sidebar makes it easier to organize fields
    Demo video

  2. Expose native field components to the public enables you to build more expressive custom content.

  3. Made it possible to customize the placeholder image

  4. Add Turkish language support

  5. Use custom policies on resources

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • change belongs to target to turbo frame
  • via resource class returns model classes vs. resource classes
  • belongs_to link inside tabs
  • disable the icon on disabled actions
  • dangerous send methods
  • prevent filter buttons from overlapping filter popovers
  • multiple resources per model breaks sidebar
  • add html attributes to grid items
  • proper Turkish translation
  • Norwegian translations
  • recursive resources duplicated hydration
  • Ensured @parent_resource was being passed down to grid items controls
  • date time broken on back action
  • recursive resources broken

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • minor linting tweak
  • Fix a typo on Readme Doc
  • transform some system tests to feature
  • separate tests
  • update turbo to 7.2.0
  • minor tab improvements
  • minor linting tweaks
  • moved some things around in the initializer

One breaking change if you have custom fields

Check out this version's upgrade guide if you have implemented custom fields.
Upgrade guide

Update your license URL

We haven't enforced the one application/license rule yet, but we'll start doing that in the following weeks, so go to your licenses page and update the URL or IP to match the one you're using for each license.
If you don't do it, your Avo apps might stop working when we switch on the checking mechanism.

Subscribe and support the community

Check out some of the things you might have missed on Twitter last week in the Short Ruby Newsletter.

Yaroslav released two new videos covering RMagick and Active Storage on his YouTube channel.

Check out our open issues and participate in Hacktoberfest

We have a few issues where we'd need some help, and we marked them as participating in Hacktoberfest, so go check them out.
Open issues

How would Avo 3.0 look like?

We started thinking about what would Avo 3 look like. The first version was just to see if anyone needed a new app-building framework. The second version is here to validate the features you'd actually need, and the next version will be the product you want by your side and never want to build apps without.
So let's make that vision a reality together. Please send us your feedback and ideas. What do you love and hate about it, and the direction you'd like to see it go.

Thank you,
Adrian and Paul πŸ€™

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/2.17
Demo video: https://youtu.be/nbMQR5IDpYQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
Subscribe to Short Ruby Newsletter: https://shortruby.com/
Subscribe to SupeRails: https://www.youtube.com/c/SupeRails

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: resource_sidebar @Paul-Bob (#1205)
  • feature: expose native field components to the public @adrianthedev (#1138)
  • Made it possible to customise the placeholder image @iainbeeston (#1269)
  • Add turkish support @nejdetkadir (#1272)
  • feature: custom policies @bear-in-mind (#1200)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: change belongs to target to turbo frame @adrianthedev (#1307)
  • fix: via resource class returns model classes vs resource classes @adrianthedev (#1293)
  • fix: belongs_to link inside tabs @Paul-Bob (#1242)
  • fix: disable icon on disabled action @Paul-Bob (#1295)
  • fix: dangerous send methods @adrianthedev (#1281)
  • Prevent filter buttons from overlapping filter popovers @koppen (#1290)
  • fix: multiple resources per model brakes sidebar @adrianthedev (#1285)
  • fix: add html attributes to grid items @adrianthedev (#1274)
  • fix: proper turkish translation @adrianthedev (#1276)
  • fix: norwegian translations @tersor (#1267)
  • fix: recursive resources duplicated hydration @adrianthedev (#1266)
  • fix: Ensured @parent_resource was being passed down to grid items controls @bear-in-mind (#1215)
  • fix: date time broken on back action @adrianthedev (#1260)
  • fix: recursive resources broken @adrianthedev (#1261)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: minor linting tweak @adrianthedev (#1296)
  • Fix a typo on Readme Doc @devcamke (#1291)
  • chore: transform some system tests to feature @adrianthedev (#1277)
  • chore: separate tests @adrianthedev (#1264)
  • chore: update turbo to 7.2.0 @adrianthedev (#1252)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: minor tab improvements @adrianthedev (#1299)
  • refactor: minor linting tweaks @adrianthedev (#1282)
  • refactor: moved some things around in the initializer @adrianthedev (#1263)