Patch release


Avo is a beautiful Rails based administration system. In comparison to competitors, it wins in it's visual style immediately and that's not taking into account all of its features.

It's simple to use, has excellent documentation, and anything that is not covered is helped super quickly and efficiently by Adrian.

Highly recommended!

Neil Tonge
Neil Tonge
Web Developer, CBJ Digital

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: label and content available in the html option @adrianthedev (#1350)
  • feature: stacked fields by default @adrianthedev (#1349)
  • Extract pundit to client @dhnaranjo (#1300)
  • Feature: Time field @sarahlafer (#1311)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: broken timezone time @adrianthedev (#1344)
  • fix: action fileds default option broken @adrianthedev (#1346)
  • fix: panel too tall @adrianthedev (#1345)
  • fix: the panels overflow hides the filters popup @adrianthedev (#1340)
  • fix: search container duplicated on back action @rajaravivarma-r (#1339)
  • fix: attachment destroy button broken @adrianthedev (#1309)
  • fix: Norwegian translations @tersor (#1320)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: update nokogiri @adrianthedev (#1332)
  • chore: unlock view_component @adrianthedev (#1319)
  • update rails pg port from 5432 to 5433 @ericdain (#1306)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: require only the needed rails dependencies @adrianthedev (#1280)
  • refactor: restore panel shadow and overflow @adrianthedev (#1348)
  • refactor: white-panel-classes helper global @adrianthedev (#1324)
  • Normalize and fixes missing locales @PedroAugustoRamalhoDuarte (#1312)
  • refactor: support optional policy scope @adrianthedev (#1308)