Minor release

v2.19.0 - Persistent filters, auto-generated resources, better STI support, and more callable field options

Avo has enabled our team and client to collaborate in a much more seamless way.

Our favorite thing about Avo is the feature-loaded modern web interface and the ease of customizing from fields to pages is also impressive.

Santhana Karthikeyan
Santhana Karthikeyan
Developer, Cybrilla & Fintech Primitives
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey everyone,

Before we dive into this rich release, I want to take the time to thank all of you for making this community unique.
This release has about 30 PRs added, and only 10 of them issued by me. So, thanks for sharing the same amount of excitement I have for Avo.

🎸 Features

  1. Make placeholder and help callable
  2. Make sign-out path name configurable
  3. Add favicon to branding
  4. Issue of showing custom label for actionlist
  5. Persistent filters
  6. Generate resource from model attributes
  7. Filter visibility
  8. Default executes in host
  9. Extend field API with linktochild_resource attribute

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fallback to resources class / link to child resource feature
  • nil exception, wrong class name was assigned
  • resource generator option
  • malformed root url for javascript
  • don't raise errors on community when pundit is missing
  • destroy the search modal when disconnected
  • Support virtualattributes in keyvalue field
  • visibility issues for tabs panels and sidebars
  • sidebar field visibility block
  • readonly vulnerability
  • placeholder to public dir
  • move cards controller to avoid conflicts
  • Don't swallow errors with labels and descriptions
  • may-download-file data attr missing on action form
  • include pundit if available

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • bump loader-utils from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3
  • remove comment from tempalte file and remove manifester gem
  • init script may be run repeatedly without error
  • update the default sign in form

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: zeiwerk eager load resource dir

Breaking changes

You should look out for one breaking change in the upgrade guide. There's an upgrade script too.

New Export to CSV action in recipes

We've had some talks with users regarding export to CSV. Even though we don't have a first-party feature like that, we made an action that supports column selection.


Check out our partners

This week's Short Ruby Newsletter is just a gem! There are many things I didn't know and forgot about, so subscribe!

Yaroslav published a new video about parsing hashtags and mentions from posts, so go check it out.

We're on ruby.social

You may have noticed that quite a few people are migrating from Twitter to ruby.social, so you'll find me there too. So let's connect there, too https://ruby.social/web/@adrian.

We're starting work on Avo 3.0

We'll probably have another Avo 2.0 release in two weeks, but we'll take a break to start work on v3.0. We want to make v3 much more extendable, accessible, and complete.
We have a milestone up on GitHub with some features we're planning to bring in early 2023.

Avo v2 will still receive bug fixes and security upgrades for quite a while now, so don't worry; you won't have to upgrade to stay up to date with security issues. We'll have a nice upgrade path too.

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/2.19
Release video: https://youtu.be/vF0z-gPFWlE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
Subscribe to Short Ruby Newsletter: https://shortruby.com/
Subscribe to SupeRails: https://www.youtube.com/c/SupeRails

That's it for this week πŸ™Œ
Thank you for being awesome,
Adrian & Paul

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • Make placeholder and help callable @rickychilcott (#1406)
  • feature: make sign-out path name configurable @nkriege (#1408)
  • feature: add favicon to branding @Paul-Bob (#1400)
  • fix: issue of showing custom label for actionlist @sarvaiyanidhi (#1395)
  • feature: persistent filters @elassadi (#1379)
  • feature: generate resource from model attributes @Paul-Bob (#1244)
  • feature: filter visibility @Paul-Bob (#1298)
  • feature: default executes in host @adrianthedev (#1389)
  • feature: Extend field API with linktochild_resource attribute @elassadi (#1347)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fallback to resources class / link to child resource feature @elassadi (#1398)
  • Fix nil exception , wrong class name was assigned @elassadi (#1399)
  • Fix/resource generator option @adrianthedev (#1391)
  • fix: malformed root url for javascript @adrianthedev (#1388)
  • fix: don't raise errors on community when pundit is missing @adrianthedev (#1387)
  • fix: destroy the search modal when disconnected @nkriege (#1385)
  • Support virtualattributes in keyvalue field @rickychilcott (#1381)
  • fix: visibility issues for tabs panels and sidebars @Paul-Bob (#1378)
  • fix: sidebar field visibility block @Paul-Bob (#1377)
  • fix: readonly vulnerability @Paul-Bob (#1376)
  • fix: placeholder to public dir @Paul-Bob (#1375)
  • fix: move cards controller to avoid conflicts @adrianthedev (#1373)
  • Don't swallow errors with labels and descriptions @iainbeeston (#1359)
  • fix: may-download-file data attr missing on action form @adrianthedev (#1368)
  • fix: include pundit if available @adrianthedev (#1369)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: add rails to dummy deps @adrianthedev (#1415)
  • chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3 @dependabot (#1411)
  • chore: remove comment from tempalte file and remove manifester gem @adrianthedev (#1402)
  • init script may be run repeatedly without error @dhnaranjo (#1392)
  • chore: update the default sign in form @adrianthedev (#1393)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: zeiwerk eager load resource dir @adrianthedev (#1333)