Minor release

v2.33.0 - Quality of life improvements and plenty of bugfixes

Avo has allowed us to develop and release apps rapidly even with very few developers working on them. We can focus our efforts on domain logic and custom design where it really matters. Every other Rails CMS is difficult to style or scale or add custom fields, but Avo has been a dream throughout. It's been a game-changer for us.
Iain Beeston
Iain Beeston
CTO, Thrivve Partners
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey everyone πŸ‘‹

We have a few quality-of-life improvements for this release and many bug fixes.

🎸 Features

  • callable app_name
  • add include option for actions list
  • when installing Avo detect if User model exists and create a resource for it

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • valid file cache store path
  • to count by primary key of model
  • through reflection in generator
  • default field option as a block in actions
  • edit authorization in show_controls
  • encodes special chars in search query
  • Add space after overflow-auto class
  • refactor: proper file store init
  • Include pagination on resource index map view
  • Refer to cache class without calling them

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • Replace SimpleMDE with EasyMDE
  • better memory store lookup

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • enable action namespacing

SupeRails chat

Yaro released a podcast episode with Amanda Perino about Rails World. Bookmark the page. I think you'll see something cool there soon.

Short Ruby Newsletter is back in one piece

Lucian ran a test to see if there's more value in having two newsletters (Code and Content) separately. I think folks voted for the "one for all" strategy.
There's still fantastic content, from cool snippets to what's happening in the community, so subscribe if you haven't.



Friendly is coming along so nicely! We booked most of the main speakers and kept a slot for lightning talks. So stay close for announcements in the following weeks.

We still have eight more sponsorship spots next to Andy Croll and Flagrant, so if you have a Ruby product or company and want to support a cool event, come check us out.


Avo 3

Avo 3 is coming along nicely. Some of our beta testers have pushed it to production already. If you want to see a live Avo 3 app, check avodemo.com.

See you at RailsSaas πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·

Next week Yaro and I will hang out at RailsSaas in Athens, so if you want to spend a lovely weekend on a Greek island with us, send us a message.

That's about it for this week.
Thank you for being awesome!

Adrian and Paul

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/2.33
Release video: https://youtu.be/nsamYLC_A74
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
Subscribe to Short Ruby Newsletter: https://shortruby.com/
Subscribe to SupeRails: https://www.youtube.com/@SupeRails
Subscribe to Rails tricks: https://www.railstricks.com/
Friendly.rb: https://friendlyrb.com/

Release notes

More information and release video here

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: valid file cache store path @adrianthedev (#1762)
  • Fix to count by primary key of model @shiroemons (#1760)

Latest release

Avo v2.53.0 released 5 days ago.