Minor release

v3.6.0- Action icons and dividers, ordering in grid view, and improved composite primary key support

Avo is so f***ing awesome. I am a java developer with 25 years of experience. I looked for a rapid application framework to build an internal ERP system for my small company. Its sooooo good. As a java developer without much ruby and rails know-how (only 1 or 2 tutorials), I could build up most of what I needed in ONE weekend. I wish I had that for java!!!.
Masiar Ighani
Masiar Ighani
CEO Skillbyte
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey everyone,

I know. I'm late one week with the release video. I apologize! But we have some cool things to show you on Avo 3.6 πŸ’ͺ

Main updates:

  • Support composite primary keys on show, edit, update and destroy actions
  • feature: ordering in grid view
  • feature: callable default_view_type Docs
  • feature: add action icon Divider Docs Icon Docs
  • added blank layout to some turbo-frame requests
  • fixes around drag and drop and ordering
  • fixes around search
  • fixes around STI

Full changelog here.

First batch of Friendly.rb speakers

We just announced our first batch of Friendly.rb speakers; we opened the CFP form, and still have tickets left.
We have a few more surprises in store.

What have I been up to?

I don't know if you felt it, but I was away on a longer trip. I've been on a family trip in February and then to Sin City and Tropical.rb.

On the 26th I'll meet you all in Sofia at Balkan Ruby ✌️

Thanks for being awesome!

Adrian, Paul, and Gabriel

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/3.6.0
Release video: https://youtu.be/f5HFyAjM0fk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
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Friendly.rb: https://friendlyrb.com/

Release notes

More information and release video here

🎸 Features

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fix/dnd visibility and associations @Paul-Bob (#2599)
  • fix: multiple word resources bad cache hash @adrianthedev (#2598)
  • Fix typo in undercover.yml GitHub Action workflow @grodowski (#2668)
  • fix: collect errors from record without exception @Paul-Bob (#2610)
  • fix: date_time fields timezone @Paul-Bob (#2623)
  • fix: search item title @Paul-Bob (#2609)
  • fix: keep original view after run update or create actions @Paul-Bob (#2611)
  • fix: search when linktochild_resource @Paul-Bob (#2635)
  • fix: keep avo.custom.js template on build @Paul-Bob (#2641)
  • fix: custom save button default label @Paul-Bob (avo-advanced #29)
  • fix: hydrate resource with record when detect_fields on new @Paul-Bob (#2659)
  • fix: uninitialized constant OpenStruct @Paul-Bob (avo-menu #19)
  • fix: select boolean false value @Paul-Bob (#2662)
  • fix: resource search @gabrielgiroe1 (#2656)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: add blank layout @adrianthedev (#2576)
  • chore: update tags and fix styles @Paul-Bob (#2613)
  • [js] Update all Yarn dependencies (2024-03-24) @depfu (#2632)
  • chore: update tagify @Paul-Bob (#2616)
  • chore: enable coverage in Undercover CI @adrianthedev (#2536)
  • chore(deps): bump rdoc from 6.6.2 to @dependabot (#2637)
  • chore: update rdoc @Paul-Bob (avo-pro #67)

For more information, check out Avo's release notes page