Minor release

v2.10.0 - Tabs and panels in beta

The discord community for Avo is also great, the devs are there to help us out should you have any questions.

Avo is a gem (no pun intended) and you should check it out!

Stian Johansen
Freelance Dev
👆 Click to see the video 👆

Hello everyone,

Avo 2.10 has landed with a few bug fixes and a long-time expected feature.

  1. Tabs and panels landed 🚀 - You can better organize your fields and tools into panels and tabs. This does not have only an aesthetic function but also performance too.

  2. French translations. Thank you Dimitri B! Run bin/rails generate avo:locale to load them.

  3. Key-value fixed for the New view

  4. Added forced_locale to be able to edit multilingual records easier.

  5. Date & datetime picker improvements for mobile. Thank you hassyyy!

  6. You can declare the model_class as a string now. This will not break your app on boot time anymore.

  7. Fixed a hardcoded value in ResourceEditComponent. Thank you, Louis!

I can't wait to see what you are going to build with it.

Going forward we're going to focus on fixing two nasty bugs. One with the date-time field and one with namespaced resources and finishing up some things we started a while back like resource cards, controller hooks, and some more cool stuff.

Release notes:

Release video:

Thank you for being awesome ✌️

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: tabs @adrianthedev (#916)
  • Create avo.fr.yml @db0sch (#1002)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: key value field new->create view @adrianthedev (#1010)
  • fix: add force_locale param and use URI helpers to generate paths @adrianthedev (#1003)
  • fix: date field format in mobile browsers @hassyyy (#998)
  • fix: model class with encryption broken @adrianthedev (#996)
  • fix: hard-coded policy action called on ResourceEditComponent @bear-in-mind (#991)

💡 Refactor

  • refactor: add common params to the menu builder @adrianthedev (#1007)

Latest release

Avo v2.49.0 released 15 days ago.