Minor release

v2.14.0 - Select all matching records, override destructive actions, automatic required option, and more

We are migrating from ActiveAdmin to Avo and both in terms of Developer experience and User experience, it is a game changer!

Adrien Poly
Adrien Poly
CTO, Plume
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hello beautiful people,

It's that time of week again. New Avo goodies coming your way.

  1. Select all matching records Demo
  2. Custom path and message helpers for after create, update, and delete actions Docs Demo
  3. Automatically determine required fields from validators Demo
  4. Tabs as pills Docs Demo
  5. Readonly as a block Demo

πŸ› Bug Fixes:

  • Crashes with file attachments and failed validators
  • Reset filters on a has_many would redirect
  • date value changed on direct submit
  • wrong cancel button path when creating from has many
  • inline_svg path fixes
  • act_on policy method not working for show view
  • redirect back to parent if deleted from parent
  • search pagination unlimited causes crashes

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • readme tweaks
  • add action testing examples
  • update to heroicons to v2
  • corrected a typo in avo.rb

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • progressbar component visual tweaks
  • use inline_svg gem

There hasn't been a lot of chatter on the Discord this week. It could be that we haven't pushed too many bugs to production in the last release πŸ˜… or it's just vacation time everywhere.

Speaking of vacations, I'm going to take some time off next week. I'll still have my laptop with me, so write if you run into issues.

Recommended reading

Short Ruby Newsletter has been smashing it this week so go check out the news you might have missed.

Easy PRs

We've got about 5 good first issues for you to pick up if you want to stretch that brain.

Again, an amazing release with great features that hopefully solve a few painful problems for you guys.

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/2.14.0
Release video: https://youtu.be/peKt90XhdOg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo

Thank you for being awesome!
Adrian and Paul

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: pills switcher @adrianthedev (#1155)
  • feature: select all records from current index pages @Paul-Bob (#1148)
  • feature: required from validators @Paul-Bob (#1180)
  • feature: Callable readonly @rickychilcott (#1150)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • feature: pills switcher @adrianthedev (#1155)
  • fix: crash when attach files and validator render errors @Paul-Bob (#1173)
  • fix: reset filters keep current location @Paul-Bob (#1176)
  • fix: date value changed on direct submit @adrianthedev (#1163)
  • fix: cancel button path when creating from has many @Paul-Bob (#1164)
  • fix: inline_svg path fixes @adrianthedev (#1160)
  • fix: act_on policy applyed on show and edit views @Paul-Bob (#1157)
  • fix: redirect back to parent if deleted from parent @Paul-Bob (#1158)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: update readme @adrianthedev (#1182)
  • chore: add testing for the release fish action @adrianthedev (#1169)
  • fix: attempt to fix permissions for PR labeler @adrianthedev (#1167)
  • chore: update to heroicons v2 @adrianthedev (#1161)
  • Corrected a typo in avo.rb @iainbeeston (#1153)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: progressbar component @adrianthedev (#1177)
  • refactor: use inline_svg gem @adrianthedev (#1141)