Minor release

v2.2.0 - Allow via detaching and hide record selector

Avo has enabled our team and client to collaborate in a much more seamless way.

Our favorite thing about Avo is the feature-loaded modern web interface and the ease of customizing from fields to pages is also impressive.

Santhana Karthikeyan
Santhana Karthikeyan
Developer, Cybrilla & Fintech Primitives
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey there friends @here,

New week, new release. This time with a video talking about what we released.

  1. Allow detaching via the association. By default, when you visit a record through an association that belongs_to field is disabled. There might be cases where you'd like that field not to be disabled and allow your users to change that association. Docs

  2. Hide the record selector checkbox – You might not need the selector checkbox on your table. Now you can hide it. Docs

  3. Cosmetic tweaks around the profile component and resource description.

  4. Added support for namespaced models. You can now use self.model_class = Some::User on your resource.

  5. Fix broken action buttons on Safari

  6. Improved the development experience a bit by watching and reloading the initializer file in your development env and the whole lib directory when doing development on Avo

Full release notes

Thank you, @yorch and @MrJoy, for your contributions this week!

Next to ship are the Resource cards, which didn't get all the attention they needed to release this week, but we think you're going to love them.

We've got quite a few tickets to fix issues and some new feature requests, so the sidebar editor will be delayed a bit.

We love getting feedback and spitballing ideas, so please get in touch with us if you want to chat.





Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: allow via detaching @adrianthedev (#811)
  • feature: hide record selector @adrianthedev (#810)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: resource description truncated @adrianthedev (#819)
  • fix: unscrollable searchable belongs_to @adrianthedev (#818)
  • fix: panel component title alignment @adrianthedev (#817)
  • Fix/init input handling @MrJoy (#804)
  • fix: save button broken on safari @adrianthedev (#809)
  • Minor improve sidebar profile component @yorch (#777)
  • fix: missing target for controller in profile image @adrianthedev (#798)
  • fix: add support for namespaced models @adrianthedev (#796)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: add hotwire livereload @adrianthedev (#808)
  • chore: autoreload lib directory and initializer in development @adrianthedev (#800)