Minor release

v2.22.0 - Authorization for dashboards and associated scopes

I've been working with Rails for almost a decade now, and I've tried every popular admin panel gem out there.
Avo is hands-down the best solution we've found to quickly iterating on products and building tools to support and administrate our platforms.
David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hi everyone πŸ‘‹

I can't believe this year has passed. This is the final release of 2022, where we shipped a bunch of authorization tweaks.

Release notes

🎸 Features
Dashboards authorization

πŸ› Bug Fixes
Valid association authorization scope
Activestorage dependency details
Correctly parse and build the trix attachment path.

πŸ€– Maintenance
chore: update ruby requirement to >2.6.0

πŸ’‘ Refactor
refactor: allow nil user in authorization service

Subscribe to our friends

Short Ruby Newsletter will have its last issue for the year next week, and Yaroslav posted a great tutorial about Search and infinite pagination with ransack and pagy.

Avo 3.0 updates

We're finishing up two more features for Avo 3. Record previews for those field-heavy records and scopes that will enable your users to segment your data better.

2022 Retrospective

We did some digging and figured that Avo had been downloaded about 200.000 times this year and had 62 releases, with one major release every two weeks. We merged about 490 PRs, out of which 190 were bug fixes and about 95 were features, and we had 43 external collaborators.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for contributing to Avo, for pushing us to make it a better product, and for being a part of this fantastic community ❀️

2022 Avo Survey

Now, we'd also like to find out what you think about us, our product, and the future, and we'd like you to fill out our 2022 survey. It should only take 6-10 minutes to get through it.

We hope that you have the most pleasant and happy Holidays and the following year will be better for you and your close ones.

Thank you for this incredible ride in 2022!

Adrian & Paul

Survey: https://avohq.io/survey
Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/2.22
Release video: https://youtu.be/gGG8uM0H2YE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
Subscribe to Short Ruby Newsletter: https://shortruby.com/
Subscribe to SupeRails: https://www.youtube.com/c/SupeRails

Release notes

🎸 Features

  • feature: dashboards authorization @adrianthedev (#1491)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: valid association authorization scope @adrianthedev (#1489)
  • Fix/activestorage dependency details @MrJoy (#1480)
  • fix: correctly parse and build the trix attachment path @adrianthedev (#1484)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • chore: update ruby requirement to >2.6.0 @adrianthedev (#1492)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • refactor: allow nil user in authorization service @adrianthedev (#1486)