Minor release

v3.2.0 - Better errors, durable and bookmarkable tabs, and the default admin panel in Bullet Train

My team uses AVO and I must say it is very good and has helped us Build Faster and save time. This is a must-use by engineering teams worldwide. Awesome tool @adrianthedev
Edet Bassey
Edet Bassey
Product Manager, Equipe Technique
πŸ‘† Click to see the video πŸ‘†

Hey everyone,

This is the last big release of the year, so here are the updates:

Big changes

Experimenting with longer work cycles

We're going to experiment with having 4-week or 6-week release cycles.

A longer release cycle gives us more time to dig into deeper features.

That doesn't mean we won't release anything during those four weeks. We'll still do patch releases as we always do.

Avo 2 Pro subscriptions upgraded to Avo 3 Pro

We automatically upgraded all Avo 2 Pro subscriptions to Avo 3 Pro without increasing prices. Everyone who had one of those subscriptions got an email about the whole operation.

Issues cleanup

We did a bit of spring cleaning in our issue queue.

We created new ones to track new ideas from users and added labels and approaches to most of them.

If you have some spare time and want to tackle some of them, you'll find a cool list of good first issues.

Bullet Train integration

All new Bullet Train apps ship with Avo as the default admin panel. We've set up a great integration with all the resources that send out of the box.

In the following weeks, we'll build up docs and look into integrating more with Super Scaffolding.

Taking a break for Christmas

We won't be doing too much intensive work during the Holidays. We'll be present on the channels if you need any help.

That's it for this year.
We hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did.

Have beautiful holidays with your partners, family, friends, and pets, and see you next year.

Thanks for being awesome!

Adrian and Paul

Release notes: https://avohq.io/releases/3.2.0
Release video: https://youtu.be/6CWh_U51Z1k
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avo_hq
Repo: https://github.com/avo-hq/avo
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Subscribe to Friendly.show: https://www.friendly.show
Friendly.rb: https://friendlyrb.com/

Release notes

More information and release video here

🎸 Features

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • fix: flaky date test @adrianthedev (#2245)
  • fix: belongs_to index field name @Paul-Bob (#2102)
  • fix: applied filters when filters are dynamic @Paul-Bob (#2189)
  • fix: action authorize variables, direct access to view and resource instead action.resource.view @Paul-Bob (#2188)
  • fix typo @sedubois (#2123)
  • fix: status-field dynamic filter missing some options @adrianthedev (#2191)
  • fix: dashboards eager_load @Paul-Bob (#27)
  • fix: ransack configuration @Paul-Bob (#23)
  • fix: search current_user @Paul-Bob (#2101)
  • fix: dynamic filters @Paul-Bob (#2104)
  • fix: tabs visibility @Paul-Bob (#2098)
  • fix: allow all chars on text filters @Paul-Bob (#2093)
  • fix: links from 2.0 to 3.0 @Paul-Bob (#2094)
  • fix: main_panel extraction @Paul-Bob (#2095)
  • fix: via_resource_class on belongs_to fields @Paul-Bob (#2091)
  • fix: belongs_to row forms layout @Paul-Bob (#2086)

πŸ’‘ Refactor

  • Refactor Resource loading to simplify and centralize behavior @dhnaranjo (#2084)

πŸ€– Maintenance

  • [js] Update @rails/activestorage 6.0.3 β†’ 6.1.7 (minor) @depfu (#2249)
  • [js] Update chart.js 3.7.0 β†’ 3.9.1 (minor) @depfu (#2250)
  • [js] Update tailwindcss-stimulus-components 3.0.3 β†’ 3.0.4 (patch) @depfu (#2247)
  • [ruby] Update test-prof 1.0.10 β†’ 1.3.1 (minor) @depfu (#2231)
  • [js] Update @prettier/plugin-ruby 2.0.0 β†’ 2.1.0 (minor) @depfu (#2248)
  • [js] Update stimulus-use 0.50.0-2 β†’ 0.50.0 (patch) @depfu (#2246)
  • [js] Update tippy.js 6.3.0 β†’ 6.3.7 (patch) @depfu (#2244)
  • [ruby] Update friendly_id 5.4.2 β†’ 5.5.1 (minor) @depfu (#2233)
  • [ruby] Update redis 4.8.1 β†’ 5.0.8 (major) @depfu (#2240)
  • [ruby] Update hotwire-livereload 1.2.3 β†’ 1.3.0 (minor) @depfu (#2239)
  • [js] Update core-js 3.21.0 β†’ 3.34.0 (minor) @depfu (#2236)
  • [ruby] Update view_component 3.7.0 β†’ 3.8.0 (minor) @depfu (#2232)
  • [ruby] Update active_median 0.3.3 β†’ 0.4.1 (major) @depfu (#2218)
  • [ruby] Update prefixed_ids 1.4.0 β†’ 1.6.1 (minor) @depfu (#2217)
  • [js] Update postcss-loader 7.3.0 β†’ 7.3.3 (patch) @depfu (#2242)
  • [js] Update mapkick 0.2.5 β†’ 0.2.6 (minor) @depfu (#2241)
  • [js] Update trix 2.0.5 β†’ 2.0.8 (patch) @depfu (#2243)
  • [js] Update eslint-plugin-import 2.27.5 β†’ 2.29.1 (minor) @depfu (#2238)
  • [js] Update eslint 8.55.0 β†’ 8.56.0 (minor) @depfu (#2237)
  • [js] Update @algolia/autocomplete-theme-classic 1.0.0-alpha.46 β†’ 1.12.2 (minor) @depfu (#2235)
  • [js] Update @algolia/autocomplete-js 1.0.0-alpha.46 β†’ 1.12.2 (minor) @depfu (#2234)
  • [ruby] Update webmock 3.18.1 β†’ 3.19.1 (minor) @depfu (#2228)
  • [ruby] Update solargraph 0.48.0 β†’ 0.50.0 (major) @depfu (#2230)
  • [ruby] Update simplecov 0.21.2 β†’ 0.22.0 (major) @depfu (#2227)
  • [ruby] Update rspec-rails 6.0.3 β†’ 6.1.0 (minor) @depfu (#2226)
  • [ruby] Update rubocop-shopify 2.9.0 β†’ 2.14.0 (minor) @depfu (#2225)
  • [ruby] Update ripper-tags 0.9.1 β†’ 1.0.1 (major) @depfu (#2224)
  • [ruby] Update chartkick 4.2.1 β†’ 5.0.5 (major) @depfu (#2219)
  • [ruby] Update hightop 0.3.0 β†’ 0.4.0 (major) @depfu (#2222)
  • [ruby] Update faker 2.22.0 β†’ 3.2.2 (major) @depfu (#2221)
  • [ruby] Update brakeman 5.3.1 β†’ 6.1.0 (major) @depfu (#2220)
  • [ruby] Update pg 1.4.3 β†’ 1.5.4 (minor) @depfu (#2216)
  • [ruby] Update pagy 6.0.3 β†’ 6.2.0 (minor) @depfu (#2215)
  • [ruby] Update mapkick-rb 0.1.4 β†’ 0.1.5 (minor) @depfu (#2214)
  • [js] Update heroicons 2.0.1 β†’ 2.0.18 (patch) @depfu (#2211)
  • [ruby] Update listen 3.7.1 β†’ 3.8.0 (minor) @depfu (#2210)
  • [js] Update postcss 8.4.31 β†’ 8.4.32 (patch) @depfu (#2213)
  • [js] Update js-cookie 3.0.1 β†’ 3.0.5 (patch) @depfu (#2212)
  • [ruby] Update jsbundling-rails 1.0.3 β†’ 1.2.1 (minor) @depfu (#2209)
  • [ruby] Update groupdate 6.1.0 β†’ 6.4.0 (minor) @depfu (#2208)
  • [js] Update flatpickr 4.6.9 β†’ 4.6.13 (patch) @depfu (#2207)
  • [ruby] Update cssbundling-rails 1.1.1 β†’ 1.3.3 (minor) @depfu (#2205)
  • [ruby] Update factorybotrails 6.2.0 β†’ 6.4.2 (minor) @depfu (#2206)
  • [ruby] Update countries 5.1.2 β†’ 5.7.1 (minor) @depfu (#2204)
  • [ruby] Update bootsnap 1.13.0 β†’ 1.17.0 (minor) @depfu (#2203)
  • [ruby] Update aws-sdk-s3 1.114.0 β†’ 1.141.0 (minor) @depfu (#2202)
  • [js] Update autoprefixer 10.4.14 β†’ 10.4.16 (patch) @depfu (#2201)
  • [ruby] Update spring 4.1.1 β†’ 4.1.3 (patch) @depfu (#2198)
  • [ruby] Update actsaslist 1.0.4 β†’ 1.1.0 (minor) @depfu (#2199)
  • [ruby] Update appraisal 2.4.1 β†’ 2.5.0 (minor) @depfu (#2200)
  • chore: try Turbo 8 @adrianthedev (#2196)
  • [ruby] Update launchy 2.5.0 β†’ 2.5.2 (patch) @depfu (#2112)
  • [ruby] Update redis 4.8.0 β†’ 4.8.1 (patch) @depfu (#2195)
  • [ruby] Update addressable 2.8.5 β†’ 2.8.6 (patch) @depfu (#2107)
  • [js] Update @hotwired/stimulus 3.2.1 β†’ 3.2.2 (patch) @depfu (#2110)
  • [ruby] Update i18n-tasks 1.0.12 β†’ 1.0.13 (patch) @depfu (#2108)
  • [js] Update @yaireo/tagify 4.17.7 β†’ 4.17.9 (patch) @depfu (#2113)
  • chore: update workflow files @adrianthedev (#2194)
  • chore: unlock turbo_power version lock @adrianthedev (#2193)
  • fix typos @sedubois (#2122)
  • [js] Update all of babel7 7.23.5 β†’ 7.23.6 (patch) @depfu (#2109)
  • [ruby] Update all of rails 7.1.1 β†’ 7.1.2 (patch) @depfu (#2106)
  • 🚨 [security] [js] Update luxon 1.28.1 β†’ 3.4.4 (major) @depfu (#2105)
  • chore: update eslint @adrianthedev (#2088)

For more information, check out Avo's release notes page