Adding confetti to an app with stimulus-confetti
Let's celebrate with confetti by adding it to your application using the stimulus-confetti library.
Marketing Specialist
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Using Avo is like bringing a new developer to your team that's building all the boring stuff in a beautiful way
Create a flexible CRUD interface in no time. No more copy-pasting view and controller files around.
Quickly query one or more resources at once.
Amazingly easy, single or multi-file integration with ActiveStorage.
Easily browse your data on mobile devices.
Run custom actions to one or more of your resources with as little as pressing a button 💪
Write your own custom filters to quickly segment your data.
Customize your dashboard with the tools and analytics you need.
Fully translated UI
Leverage Pundit policies to build a robust and scalable authorization system.
Configure your Rails dashboard entirely by writing Ruby code with minimal-to-no scaffolding.
No worries if we missed a field you need. Generate a custom field in a jiffy.
Scope out your data as much as you need it
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I just wanted to say I love working with Avo in RubyGems admin panel
We are migrating from ActiveAdmin to Avo and both in terms of Developer experience and User experience, it is a game changer!
Avo just worked great. We were able to plug things together really easily, and it's given us the flexibility we needed to build out a really rich product
Avo has allowed the team to build internal tools incredibly quickly, which is especially important due to our limited resources
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Avo v3.18.0 - Discreet information, multiple options select field, index_query and TailwindCSS v4 prep released 21 days ago.
Let's celebrate with confetti by adding it to your application using the stimulus-confetti library.
Marketing Specialist
Let's learn how to add tests to an OmniAuth integration in a Rails application.
Marketing Specialist
Let's learn how to add social login to the Rails 8 auth generator with single and multiple accounts.
Marketing Specialist