"It's so much better than I expected.
It covers most of my use cases and more. I love Avo!"
Most developers who try it

Build Ruby on Rails apps 10x faster

Avo is a very custom Content Management System/Admin panel framework/Internal Tool Builder for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers and teams months of development time.

Read what our customers say about us


Our customers love Avo

A (HUGE!) side benefit we've seen in implementing Avo has been surfacing of platform issues - missing associations, opportunities for delegators and collaborators, etc. Our underlying models and interactions have become much more robust as we've implemented Avo as we can quickly identify relationships and optimizations without doing full-fledged, user-facing feature work.

David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy

Our first community curator has had such a seamless experience working with the Avo backend that we're pushing the project beyond the one catalogue we were initially creating, to making this a platform for other communities to benefit from as well.

John Bannister
John Bannister
Rails developer, Exlibris RPG

Adding Avo to my project was like adding multiple developers to my team - and that's before I even purchased a license!

Caleb Harrison
Caleb Harrison
Ruby and Crystal Developer

After many years and many systems built with Rails, I've seen the pattern where many of the same parts are built over and over again. I eventually began to wonder: Is there something like a “Ruby on Rails … on Rails”? That's what Avo is to me! It's Rails on Rails! I love being able bring tools and capabilities online for my clients without spending time on the things that are ALWAYS THE SAME. Avo is really well done. The ROI on the Pro license has been immediate, sizable, and continuous. It's a no-brainer.

James Garvin
James Garvin
Software Engineer

We are heavily used Avo Pro in order to build a new "admin first" platform that can be managed by our non-tech team with ease.

The interface is extremely intuitive and can be extended fast with custom actions.

Paul Werther
Paul Werther
CTO, greenhats GmbH

Amazing documentation: the documentation for Avo is among the best out there. All features are well documented, and @adrianthedev does a fantastic job keeping the docs up to date with each release including video walkthroughs of major features.

David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy

You'll need to invest time in the docs, but this will leave you implementing features you haven't thought of because they are both straightforward to implement and beneficial to the user.

The Avo team has their finger on the pulse and has built a modern reactive solution with great support and regular updates.

There is much value in here.

David Teren
David Teren
Rails developer

I can't believe I just learned about Avo! After trying it for 10 minutes, it was the easiest purchase ever. I used RailsAdmin before and had so many upgrading issues. Besides that, Avo is so much simpler to configure and build.

Michael Koper
Michael Koper
Founder of nusii.com

After doing more research and comparing to some alternatives I chose Avo because I liked the modern interface and it appeared to be well maintained and active on GitHub

Nathan Kriege
Nathan Kriege
Ruby on Rails developer

I've been working with Rails for almost a decade now, and I've tried every popular admin panel gem out there.
Avo is hands-down the best solution we've found to quickly iterating on products and building tools to support and administrate our platforms.

David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy

I do not like DSLs. They always cause troubles in the long run. But this one seems "natural" I didn't even notice.

José Alberto Suárez López
José Alberto Suárez López
CTO & Co-Founder at Vizlegal

@avo_hq is awwwwesome!!! I love the new dashboard @adrianthedev 👏👏👏

Founder, Equipe Technique

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Latest release

Avo v2.49.0 released 13 days ago.

Avo 3 launched!

This is it! Avo 3 stable is out there! It's on rubygems.org, it's on the GitHub repo, and it's open-source

Adrian Marin

Adrian M

Co-Founder / CTO

State the problem not the solution

Instead of suggesting a solution to the problem, you should state the problem and the thing that you're trying to do/fix.

Adrian Marin

Adrian M

Co-Founder / CTO

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