"It's so much better than I expected.
It covers most of my use cases and more. I love Avo!"
Most developers who try it

Build Ruby on Rails apps 10x faster

Avo is a very custom Admin Panel Framework, Content Management System, and Internal Tool Builder for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers and teams months of development time.

Read what our customers say about us


Our customers love Avo

The main selling point of Avo for me was the speed of being able to build a simple CRUD interface. I like the customizability of the system, which is something I would take heavy advantage of

Nathan Kriege
Nathan Kriege
Ruby on Rails developer

After doing more research and comparing to some alternatives I chose Avo because I liked the modern interface and it appeared to be well maintained and active on GitHub

Nathan Kriege
Nathan Kriege
Ruby on Rails developer

Avo has enabled our team and client to collaborate in a much more seamless way.

Our favorite thing about Avo is the feature-loaded modern web interface and the ease of customizing from fields to pages is also impressive.

Santhana Karthikeyan
Santhana Karthikeyan
Developer, Cybrilla & Fintech Primitives

Flexible customization: Avo offers many ways to go beyond the basic built in views, forms, and actions to add additional customization to your admin solution.

David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy

Avo has allowed us to develop and release apps rapidly even with very few developers working on them. We can focus our efforts on domain logic and custom design where it really matters. Every other Rails CMS is difficult to style or scale or add custom fields, but Avo has been a dream throughout. It's been a game-changer for us.

Iain Beeston
Iain Beeston
CTO, Thrivve Partners

Our first community curator has had such a seamless experience working with the Avo backend that we're pushing the project beyond the one catalogue we were initially creating, to making this a platform for other communities to benefit from as well.

John Bannister
John Bannister
Rails developer, Exlibris RPG

Avo is legit. I like the licensing scheme. Open-source community or paid for power users. Very accessible. I love the quick release cycle. Very active! Docs and videos are helpful and very easy to read. Adrian and his group have done a superb job getting the word out in the Rails community. I look forward to seeing its success in the future. Excellent product!!!

Graham Schmidt
Graham Schmidt
Software Engineer

Avo is so f***ing awesome. I am a java developer with 25 years of experience. I looked for a rapid application framework to build an internal ERP system for my small company. Its sooooo good. As a java developer without much ruby and rails know-how (only 1 or 2 tutorials), I could build up most of what I needed in ONE weekend. I wish I had that for java!!!.

Masiar Ighani
Masiar Ighani
CEO Skillbyte

Avo has let me push further on the features my users benefit from most whilst trusting I am giving volunteer curators a backend experience I can still be proud of.

It's a real multiplier on the project and adopting it was undoubtedly the best technical decision we've made.

John Bannister
John Bannister
Rails developer, Exlibris RPG

Easy to set up: only takes a few minutes to generate your config, connect some models, and have a basic admin panel to start iterating on.

David Lormor
David Lormor
CTO, Wyndy

After seeing what Avo can do, during a live demo by @adrianthedev, I highly recommend it. Even if you're not a Rails dev, you should get in on this gem!

Stefan Cosma
Stefan Cosma
Senior Software Engineer, Sibiu Web Meetup

I am a RoR developer and currently designing an admin panel with AVO. AVO is so intelligent and we can make our admin panel within hours. Thanks @adrianthedev for making this.

Ali Haider
Ali Haider
Ruby on Rails developer, Equipe Technique

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Delegated Types and and building the ultimate Kanban Board in Rails

Designing a Kanban board feature presents unique challenges, especially when dealing with multiple record types and minimal database constraints. In this article, we explore different iterations of modeling a Kanban board within the Avo framework. Learn how to manage diverse models without enforcing database restrictions, ensuring flexibility and configurability for an ultimate Kanban board experience.

Adrian Marin

Adrian M

Co-Founder / CTO

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