
More data in blocks, loading spinners, failed fram states and a bunch more

February 07, 2022 14:58

Hey guys and gals

Pretty huge release this week. We crammed quite a few features in, fixed many bugs reported by you guys in the past week, and refactored some stale code.

Let's dive in πŸ‘‡

  1. Get access to viewcontext from blocks (computed fields and formatusing blocks). So you can now reference Rails' route helpers. We also include the URL helpers, and you can use methods like link_to.

  2. Added a loading spinner to submit buttons. When you have a large file to upload and you hit "Save", you'll get this nice spinner to let you know something is brewing in the background

  1. Advanced actions visibility. You can now show/hide the actions depending on the view. Docs

  2. Failed frame loading state. When a frame fails to load, you'll get a lovely message to tell you that.


  1. raiseerroronmissingpolicy and a few more improvements on the security side. You might want to change the default behavior to raise errors when policies are missing from models. Docs

  2. Fix uncountable models. Avo didn't handle uncountable models very well until now πŸ’ͺ

  3. STI is so much better supported with this Avo release. Docs

  4. Added a new FAQ section in the docs.

Full release notes here.

The Dashboards feature is about 90% done, and it will probably land in the first half of February.

Next on the list is the much-requested Mobile interface. We spoke with our talented designer, and he already has some sketches. I'm excited about this one.

We're going to spruce up the website, and we'd like to add some testimonials, so if Avo helped you and you'd like to shout to the world about it, this is the time to send your feedback our way. It means the world to us!

And, thank you for being awesome and for using Avo

Adrian & David