
Taking care of performance

We try to improve our codebase on every commit but we also have regular performance and security audits

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

State the problem not the solution

Instead of suggesting a solution to the problem, you should state the problem and the thing that you're trying to do/fix.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Avo 3 launched!

This is it! Avo 3 stable is out there! It's on, it's on the GitHub repo, and it's open-source

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Avo 3 open beta

Avo 3 beta is released with the new features like dynamic filters, resource scopes, new fields API, Custom controls everywhere, Record preview and more

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

The difference between Avo and Rails starter kits

I often get the question, "How is Avo different from other starter kits?". And the simple answer is that it provides a different function. Avo helps the developer build their application's business side using configuration rather than regular logic code. When I say business-side, I mean the actual part that provides the unique value to their customers.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Avo Survey 2022

I think we did well in 2022 in support and features, and we could work more on our documentation. But, all in all, you mostly believe this product brings you value, and you like being a part of its journey.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

How Successful Agencies Ensure Dev Happiness PART 3

Sure, an agency’s success is just directly proportional with how well their employees and collaborators are treated, but let’s not forget the primary source of income that grants that success: Customer satisfaction

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

How Successful Agencies Ensure Dev Happiness PART 2

Programmers are very sought after. Especially for such frameworks as Ruby on Rails. In order for an agency to secure a solid web development team, they need to think about more than material incentives.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

How Successful Agencies Ensure Dev Happiness PART 1

In any transaction, if the seller understands the customer’s needs, the latter is happy, thus the transaction is successful. This is also valid if the seller is formed of a team of people.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Safely extend a Ruby on Rails controller

With Avo, being a Ruby on Rails engine, we have a few controllers where we "chew up" the request, fetch the data, and display the results. Some users need to extend it.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

New Rails asset compilation mental model

The mental model of the webpacker to js-bundling and tailwindcss wasn't adequately communicated when the new packages were first introduced.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Use multiple resources for the same model

Usually, an Avo Resource maps to one Rails model. So there will be a one-to-one relationship between them. But there will be scenarios where you'd like to create another resource for the same model.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Avo on Ruby Rogues podcast

I spent some time talking with Charles about the common pitfalls of admin panel gems.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO

Why Successful Startups Use MVPs

Successful startups use MVPs because they understand the importance of cost and time optimization. Platforms that optimize workflow and budget efficiency by 10x should be at the front of your toolbelt.

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Author & CEO