Avo 2.8 - Stimulus JS integration
Avo 2.8 with Stimulus JS integration, enabled ranges in all cards, scope out global search, and much much more
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Avo 2.8 with Stimulus JS integration, enabled ranges in all cards, scope out global search, and much much more
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This auto-reloading technique makes the development experience so much better!
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Avo 2.0 is here with a mobile-ready UI, dashboards and a free and easy upgrade path from 1.0
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How we use the power of Hotwire with Avo to lazy-load the common pages.
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We fixed some association fields and general improvements all-round
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New target on NavigationLinkComponent, moved the link into the `_logo` partial and a few more improvements
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This week's 1.21.0 release brings on a most requested feature, dynamic search for BelongsTo associations. You can now search your models using fuzzy search and display rich data for each record.
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Another big release today that brings a few features, fixes some compatibility edge-cases, and improves the general development experience.
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Pretty huge release this week. We crammed quite a few features in, fixed many bugs reported by you guys in the past week, and refactored some stale code.
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We have exciting news to share. Avo has a new big brother, basetool.io.
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This release brings standalone actions and a lot of bugfixes
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The select field has computed options, and the belongs_to association can be polymorphic now.
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Quickly run a search through one or more resources at once.
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This release brings custom fields, progress field, Trix attachments and a few improvements and bugfixes.
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KeyValue field is back. YAML lang added to the Code field. Removed Webpacker as a dependency in the testing environment
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Bring your own asset pipeline fix breadcrumbs and some new languages
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You should be able to test Avo in your commercial projects.
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