S3 uploads with Active Storage guide

By Exequiel Rozas

- October 27, 2024

In the past, there were a handful of libraries, like Paperclip or Carrierwave, that helped Rails developers handle file upload and storage. Nowadays, Active Storage comes out of the box with Rails so it's the preferred way to manage file uploads.

In this guide, we will learn how to implement S3 file uploads in a Rails applications using Active Storage. This includes regular uploads, direct uploads and using S3 compatible services like Digital Ocean Spaces or Backblaze.

We will be using a very basic social media app clone to showcase how to implement these features.

Let's get started:

AWS configuration

The first part of the process is setting everything on AWS.

If you have an AWS account and you have a provisioned bucket with the correct permissions set, you can skip this section altogether

Create an AWS account

Before anything, we need to create an AWS account. We can do so by following this link.

We should see something like this:

AWS Sign up screen

You will need to provide a valid email and an account name. After validating your email address, you will be prompted to set a password and then provide some information about you, including billing information.

After completing the registration steps you have access to the whole suite of AWS products and a 12 month period on the free tier.

Create an S3 bucket

Once we're inside the AWS console, we need to access S3. To achieve this we can use the search bar at the top typing Option + S on the context of the browser and typing "S3".

A results dropdown should show S3 under "Services".

After we click on it, we should see the list of buckets in our account.

We then proceed to click on the "Create Bucket" button that's located on the top right corner of the table view:

List of buckets table view in AWS S3

Now we should see the options to create a new bucket.

View to create a new bucket inside S3

Remember to pick a descriptive name for your bucket and that only lowercase letters, numbers, dots and hyphens are valid characters for it.

The configuration we should pick for this tutorial is:

  • The bucket type should be "General purpose".
  • ACLs disabled on the "Object ownership section": this means that we will set the access to the bucket and its objects using policies and not ACLs (Access Control Lists).
  • Leave the "Block all public access" on. This will ensure that undesired access to the bucket and its resources is not allowed unless otherwise specified in the policies.
  • Leave bucket versioning disabled we won't be needing it for the scope of this tutorial.
  • There's no need to add tags, you can leave that empty.
  • You can leave the default values for the "Default Encryption" and the "Object lock" section.

Notice that by default buckets are created in the "us-east-1" region which is located in North Virginia. If we want to change the bucket's region, we should click on the region dropdown which is located on the top right of the navbar, right next to our accounts name.

Creating a user and configuring permissons for the bucket

We need to create an AWS user using IAM (Identity and Access Management) and then attach permissons to the bucket in order to make it work correctly.

To create a user we first navigate to the IAM section by searching for "IAM" (remember to open the search dialog using Option + S) and clicking on the "Users" link that appears below the IAM dropdown.

User creation section in the IAM dashboard

We don't need to give this user access to the AWS management console so we should leave that option unchecked.

The next step is to attach a permission policy to our user. We select the AmazonS3FullAccess policy, which gives our user full access to the "S3" and "S3 Object Lambda" services.

View to attach permission policy to our user

After creating the user, we need to add an Access Key. To do that we go to the Users list, click on the one we just created and then, on the Summary dashboard, we search for the "Create Access Key" link and click on it:

Add Access Key to a user

It will prompt us with the use case for the Access Key, we can select "Local code" if we are not planning to deploy the application or "Application running on an AWS compute service" or "Application running outside AWS" depending on your use case.

The next step is to optionally add a description tag. After this we will see our "Access Key ID" displayed and the "Secret Access Key" hidden.

Make sure to keep both in a safe place because we will be using them later and there's no way to retrieve the Secret Access Key later.

The steps required for this process involve creating an AWS account with our personal information, and then creating a bucket with the following config:

  • General purpose
  • Disabled ACLs
  • With public access blocked
  • Without versioning
  • Default values in the encryption and object lock sections

After that, we:

  • Create a user under IAM
  • Attach the "AmazonS3FullAccess" policy to the user
  • Create the Access Keys specifying what type of use we need

Setting up our application

To showcase the upload feature we will be using a very simple social media app clone called Avogram which will only have a Post and a User model that we will handle using Devise (I won't be showing that part in this tutorial).

bin/rails new avogram --css=tailwind # Create Rails app using SQLite and Tailwind
bin/rails db:create
bin/rails active_storage:install # This will create the Active Storage migrations
bin/rails db:migrate

Next, we create a Post scaffold that will create the model, route, controller and CRUD views for the Post resource.

bin/rails generate scaffold Post caption:string
bin/rails db:migrate

Then we hook our model with Active Storage by adding the has_one_attached :image. This will set the association between the Post model and Active Storage and allow us to access the image attachment when we need it.

class Post < ApplicationRecord
  has_one_attached :image
  belongs_to :user

  validates :caption, presence: true
  validates :image, presence: true

Now, with a little bit of customization using Tailwind, we have the following view:

Empty state for Avogram

The code is pretty much exactly the same as generated by the scaffold but we added the left and right sidebars and the empty state for cosmetic purposes. And we also added the 'image' attribute to the permitted params hash:

def post_params
  params.require(:post).permit(:caption, :image)

Now, with the boilerplate done, we're going to test the default Active Storage uploads which persist the uploads to "Disk": you can actually check the uploaded files in the top level "/storage" folder.

To do that, we create a simple form with two fields: a "caption" text input and an "image" file input:

<%= form_with model: @post, method: :post, class: "mt-4" do |form| %>
  <%= form.file_field :image, class: "w-full mb-4" %>
  <%= form.text_area :caption, placeholder: "What's on your mind?", rows: 4, class: "w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-md" %>
  <%= form.submit "Create", class: "w-full bg-blue-500 text-white py-2 rounded-md" %>
<% end %>

We display the form inside a modal to better imitate the original 'gram experience:

New post form inside a modal

And after submitting the form everything should be working correctly. And we now have file uploads to disk using Active Storage:

Post created shown on the applications feed

Configure Active Storage to upload to S3

Even though things are working, we want the images to be uploaded to S3. In order to achieve this, we must tell Active Storage that we want to upload the images to S3.

Right now, our storage.yml config file looks like this.

  service: Disk
  root: <%= Rails.root.join("tmp/storage") %>

  service: Disk
  root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %>

In order to have Active Storage upload our files to S3, we need to store AWS's Access Key ID and Secret Access Key values securely.

For this tutorial, we will use Rails credentials to store the access keys. In my case I used vim to edit the development credentials with the following command:

EDITOR=vim bin/rails credentials:edit --environment=development

In case you want to use something like Code to edit your credentials, don't forget to add the --wait flag:

EDITOR='code --wait' bin/rails credentials:edit --environment=development

Consider that this command expects the code command to open the editor.

Once you are inside your editor, you should add your keys namespaced under the aws key. Remember that we're editing YAML so indenting is important.

Our credentials should look something like this after we edit them (replace the Xs with your actual keys):

  access_key_id: XXXXXX
  secret_access_key: XXXXXXX

Now we can return to storage.yml and uncomment the 'amazon' key and add the pertinent information. It should look something like this:

  service: S3
  access_key_id: <%= Rails.application.credentials.aws.access_key_id %>
  secret_access_key: <%= Rails.application.credentials.aws.secret_access_key %>
  region: us-east-1
  bucket: avo-s3-uploads

After that, we have to 'tell' Active Storage to use the S3 service in the development environment. So we set the service config key to :amazon

config.active_storage.service = :amazon

Now, if we create a Post with an attached image, it should upload it to S3.

Never commit secret keys to your git repository. Your repository may be private and you may be working by yourself but those things can change in the future so always use Rails credentials or environment variables to store your application's secrets.

Direct uploads to S3 using Active Storage

We've successfully implemented file uploads to S3 from our Rails application, that's great right?

Well, not so fast. You might now notice a slight delay when creating a Post.

This happens because the file needs to be sent to our server, stored temporarily in memory and then uploaded to S3 in order to receive the upload key which is stored in our active_storage_blobs table to reference it as an attachment.

While this may not seem like a lot of work, especially for small files, if our application needs to handle a high volume of uploads it could become a problem because of bandwidth, memory and CPU usage.

To solve that, we will upload our files directly from the client– in this case, the browser– to S3 and then send the response to our server.

This reduces the load on our server and improves performance.

What happens behind the scenes is that we request a signed URL from our server (which has access to our AWS keys) with information about the file we want to upload. The server returns the signed URL and then, using the URL, we make a request to S3 directly from the browser. If the upload is successful, S3 responds with information about the recently uploaded file that we use to persist to our database.

This diagram might help you understand the behind the scenes that Active Storage handles for us:

Direct uploads to S3 flow diagram

That being said, let's see what we need to handle direct uploads:

Configure CORS in our S3 Bucket

CORS is an acronym for Cross Origin Resource Sharing which is a mechanism that allows a server to indicate origins other than its own from which a browser should permit resource loading.

We need to configure it because browsers enforce the Same-Origin Policy so when our application tries to upload files to S3 directly from the browser, the request is considered a cross-origin request and is not allowed and we will receive an error like: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'bucket-url' from origin 'our-applications-origin' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource'

This means that we have to configure the allowed origins in our AWS console. To do that, we navigate to our bucket "Permissions" page and we scroll to the bottom to the CORS section and paste the following:

    "AllowedHeaders": ["Content-Type", "Content-Md5", "Content-Disposition"],
    "AllowedMethods": ["POST", "PUT"],
    "AllowedOrigins": ["http://localhost:3000", "https://avohq.io"],
    "ExposeHeaders": [],
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 3600

This basically tells our S3 bucket that it should allow POST and PUT requests from 'localhost:3000' and also 'avohq.io'

The AllowedHeaders defines the headers we can send from our application and the ExposeHeaders defines which response headers should be accessible to the client after a cross-origin request.

Finally the MaxAgeSeconds defined how much time should the preflight request (the OPTIONS request) should be cached.

Unless your have a very good reason don't set the 'AllowedOrigins' to "*", otherwise your S3 bucket would accept requests from any domain, opening it to unnecessary vulnerabilities. Only allow the origins you know for sure you will be using.

Direct Uploads frontend

Luckily for us, Active Storage handles most of the frontend work needed to achieve direct uploads.

First, we need to install the Active Storage's JS. I'm using importmap so we need to add the following line to importmap.rb

pin "@rails/activestorage", to: "activestorage.esm.js"

Then we need to import and initialize Active Storage's client, we can do it in our application.js file or wherever we want to use it:

import * as ActiveStorage from "@rails/activestorage";


After doing all of this, we need to define a file field, using Rails form builder, with the direct_upload attribute set to true:

<%= form.file :image, direct_upload: true %>

That's about everything you need to get direct uploads with Rails nowadays. If you would like to upload multiple images at once (when you have has_many_attached in your model) you can do it by adding the multiple: true attribute.

The result should look something like this:

As you can see, direct uploads to S3 are very simple with Active Storage. But the user experience could be improved by showing the upload progress to the user.

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Improving user experience with a progress bar

Active Storage's Javascript library comes with a set of events we can hook to in order to improve user experience.

Right now, the user could user more feedback regarding the current state of the upload and the native HTML file input, while highly effective, is a little "dry", especially when we compare it to common file upload experiences.

In order to improve this, we will be showing a progress bar using the global direct-upload:progress event.

First, we define the progress bar HTML structure:

<div class="w-full rounded-full bg-gray-200 h-1.5 mt-2 hidden" 
  <div class="rounded-full bg-blue-600 h-full transition-[width] duration-200" 
    data-behavior="progress-bar" style="width: 0%"></div>

We hide the container, the div that acts as the background for the progress, by default and assign the width of the bar using the style attribute.

Then, we need to hook into the event, make the progress container visible and update the width of the progress bar.

window.addEventListener("direct-upload:progress", (event) => {
  const progressContainer = document.querySelector("[data-behavior='progress-container']")
  const progressBar = document.querySelector("[data-behavior='progress-bar']");
  const progress = event.detail.progress;
  progressBar.style.width = `${progress}%`;

After those steps, we should have something like this:

Please note: to achieve the same experience shown in the video above some extra work is needed. I didn't show any of it because it's not really pertinent to Active Storage. Reach out to us if you would like a tutorial explaining how to do it.

Handling uploads to S3 compatible providers

Cloud uploads became widespread after Amazon released its Simple Storage Service. That's why some cloud providers other than Amazon released cloud storage services that implemented the exact same API as S3.

This means that you can use services like Digital Ocean Spaces, Vultr or Backblaze without needing to change your code.

To store your files in Digital Ocean Spaces, you would need a configuration like the following:

  service: S3
  endpoint: https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com
  access_key_id: <%= Rails.application.credentials.digital_ocean.access_key_id %>
  secret_access_key: <%= Rails.application.credentials.digital_ocean.secret_access_key %>

Then we set the proper configuration:

# Set this in development.rb, production.rb or both
config.active_storage.service = :digital_ocean

After doing this and restarting the server, your application should handle uploads to the S3 Compatible server you chose.


In this article we explored how to upload files to Amazon S3 (or API-compatible services).

The process consists of the following steps:

AWS Configuration
Before uploading to S3 we need to do some previous work:

  1. Creating an AWS account
  2. Creating an S3 bucket with specific information about it like it's name, access preferences, versioning preferences, among others.
  3. Creating an IAM user, attaching the AmazonS3FullAccess policy to it and generating our access keys to use them with Active Storage.
  4. Configuring the CORS permissions in the bucket to allow our browser to make requests to our bucket. This step is only required if you plan to have direct uploads.

Application setup
We created a simple application with Post and User models using Rails scaffolds and Devise for the user.

Then, we installed Active Storage using bin/rails active_storage:install to add the AS database migrations.

Added has_one_attached :image to our Post model, permitted the param in the PostsController and that's about it for the server part of the equation.

Active Storage configuration
To handle S3 uploads with Active Storage we need to store our AWS keys and bucket info in our credentials or in ENV variables and reference them in the storage.yml config file.

Finally, in our environment-specific configuration (development.rbin my case) we tell Active Storage to use our amazon storage service:

config.active_storage.service = :amazon

Front end duties
If you don't need direct uploads, after configuring the S3 service with AS, the only thing you need to do is add a file_field to your form:

<%= form.file_field :image %>

But, if you do want direct uploads, you need to install the @rails/activestorage JS library using your preferred method (I'm using importmap for this tutorial). And then, you need to include and initialize it somewhere in your Javascript:

// This could be done in application.js or in a separate file if needed
import * as ActiveStorage from "@rails/activestorage";

Then, add the direct_upload: true attribute to your file fileld

<%= form.file_field :image, direct_upload: true %>

And that's about it. You now have S3 file uploads with optional direct uploads in your application!

Hope the tutorial was helpful for you. Stay tuned for more Active Storage tutorials.

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